Category Archives: WinCC OA

Databases for WinCC OA Logging….

I have implemented a Database Logger for WinCC OA which supports different databases.

I did now a first test to compare some databases with WinCC OA and time series logging.

The logger is writing 1000 values/second to four databases in parallel: MSSQL Server, InfluxDB, Phoenix (based on Hadoop/HBase) and Oracle.

There are now about 160.000.000 values in each database. About 3.600.000 values are added every hour…

Four Ctrl-Scripts are querying data with dpGetPeriod every 10 seconds, random time frames (between 1 and 2 hours of data).

Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 09.33.27

Oracle seems to be slower (i think this is related to my test environment), but the access and response times are stable with growing amount of data in the database.

Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 10.37.13

remark: at 10pm the Oracle DB backup starts.

WinCC OA Docker Image with InfluxDB & Grafana …on a Mac…

On a Mac install the Docker Toolbox.

And click on the “DOCKER CLI”

Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 11.37.49

The type: docker run -d -p 3000:3000 –name oa1 vogler/winccoa:influxdb startup

Afterwards you will see your new container and at the preview you can already see the Grafana dashboard, click on it and it will open in your browser.

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You have now a running WinCC OA system which is logging some datapoints to the InfluxDB. There is a simple simulation script running which will set random values to Drive1.*

To open the GEDI you have to go to the DOCKER CLI again and type:

bash-3.2$ docker exec -ti oa1 /bin/bash

You now have a bash in the WinCC OA Container. Set the DISPLAY variable to your client (mac). You need a X-Windows-Server on your client (and allow clients to open windows with “xhost +”). At the Mac you may use xquartz:

dba3d5e6193f:/ # export DISPLAY=macbookpro:0

dba3d5e6193f:/ # gedi &

Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 11.48.47or type “console”, it will open the WinCC OA Console.

The NoSQL Logger’s configuration file is: /proj/NoSQL/config/config.logger

There you can set the query part of what you wanna log into the InfluxDB. You can specify the FROM clause of a WinCC OA query, also remote queries are possible (if you connect another OA system to this system (distributed system)).

Then you have to restart the NoSQL Database Logger – it is the WCCOAjava program you see in the console. Right, it is implemented in Java with a native API to WinCC OA.

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Grafana can be used to create dashboards in a fast and easy way…

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Docker Image for WinCC OA…

I pushed a docker image for WinCC OA to the docker hub.

docker pull vogler/winccoa

It is based on opensuse and WinCC OA 3.13 P009.

At the first startup it will ask for a system number and the system name.

root@debian1:~# docker run -t -i –name=oa1 vogler/winccoa startup
Please enter your desired system name and system number…
sysnum? 1
sysname? oa1
Do you wish to set the project to oa1 with num 1?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1

It will set the system number and the system name of the project. The projectname itself is currently always “WinCCOA”, but this does not matter, because every WinCC OA project will run in a seperate container.

To startup the container and the WinCC OA project, type:

root@debian1:~# docker start oa1

To enter the container:

docker exec -it oa1 bash


To get the ip of the container:

4304c34d368e:/ # ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:AC:11:00:02
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

To connect from a client to your container OA system you can expose ports from the container to the docker host (by using -p <source-port>:<destination-port> option at docker run…) or you may want to add a route to the bridged container network, in my case the bridged network is On a Windows client you can add a route ( is my Docker-Host-Ip):

route add mask

for linux: route add -net netmask gw

Then you are able to ping your docker container network from your client network (eg. 192.168.1.x) and so you are able to connect a WinCC OA client to the docker container project.

To start the WinCC OA console or the project administration enter the container (as shown before) and set the DISPLAY variable to your client (where you have to run a X-Window-System) and then you can start the console “startConsole”…

Hadoop OpenTSDB timeseries database and Grafana with WinCC OA…

Forwarding events from WinCC OA to OpenTSDB, which is based on HBase. Based on OpenTSDB Grafan can be used to build cool dashboards in a very fast way.

Live Example (my photovoltaic data) :

On my test environment (i7 with 32gb RAM and 8 threads) i was able to push about 20000(!) values per second from my WinCC OA system to my Hadoop/HBase cluster. WinCC OA and the Hadoop Cluster are running on Hyper-V.


Monitoring WinCC OA detected failures…

By monitoring the CPU load of my Oracle Database and the RDB-Buffer-Blocks i was able to detect a relationship … after some time the RDB Manager is not able to write data anymore and restarts…  seems to be an Oracle Problem… i should add more WinCC OA metrics…



DDE: Problem Key ‘ORA 600 [peshmgel: Table size]’ was completely flood controlled (0x6)
Further messages for this problem key will be suppressed for up to 10 minutes
Errors in file /app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/cdb/trace/cdb_ora_50519.trc (incident=223091) (PDBNAME=PVSS):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [26599], [1], [150], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: /app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cdb/cdb/incident/incdir_223091/cdb_ora_50519_i223091.trc
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.

How to send alerts to an Android App by push notifications…

With the new WinCC OA version 3.13 it is very easy to use webservices. A simple example is to send alerts to an app (Android, iOS, Windows) by push notifications (powered by Windows Azure Cloud).


All you need is:

* Download a panel:

* Download an Android-App:

* Android Barcode Scanner:

* Start the panel and scan the QR-Code with the App (top right menu button “scan”)

* You can create your own distribution channel with a click on “create new QR code” in the panel and scan it with your phone(s).


This is just a demo. It is not safe and not secure.

You can use and adapt the panel as you want.

No guarantee about the availability of the cloud service.





How to use “server side database access” (sdb.ctl) for WinCC OA

The sdb.ctl is a client library which can be used to access relational databases from the WinCC OA client without the need to install any database client software at the client. The connection to the relational database is handled by the WinCC OA server. The client communicates with the WinCC OA server only by data points. The SQL-Statements are transferred by data points to a WinCC OA control, this control executes the SQL-Statements and sends back the result to the client by data points.

Howto: sdb

How to replicate values to data centers, big-data, SOA, … with WinCC OA…

With a little adaptor in the RDB-Manager it is easy to forward values to an Java EE Server like Glassfish (free).

And from a Java-Bean values can be forwarded to any kind of data sink.


As an example i forwared values to Oracle Event Processing

Enabling Fast Data and the Internet of Things.


Calculate a moving average in WinCC OA? Quite simple with CQL (Continous Query Language, this is not SQL):

select el, avg(val) as val from channel1 [RANGE 1 MINUTE SLIDE 5 SECONDS] group by el


Or use the power of Microsoft Machine Learing:

Machine learning – mining historical data with computer systems to predict future trends or behaviour – touches more and more lives every day. Search engines, online recommendations, ad targeting, virtual assistants, demand forecasting, fraud detection, spam filters – machine learning powers all these modern services. But these uses barely scratch the surface of what’s possible.


How to use “server side database access” (sdb.ctl) for WinCC OA

The sdb.ctl is a client library which can be used to access relational databases from the WinCC OA client without the need to install any database client software at the client. The connection to the relational database is handled by the WinCC OA server. The client communicates with the WinCC OA server only by data points. The SQL-Statements are transferred by data points to a WinCC OA control, this control executes the SQL-Statements and sends back the result to the client by data points.