Matrix Multiplication in Clojure…

Clojure code for matrix multiplication (source: Rosetta Code) … short & smart…

(def mmul (fn [a b]
  (let [nested-for (fn [f x y] (map (fn [a] (map (fn [b] (f a b)) y)) x))
        transpose (fn [m] (apply map vector m))]
    (nested-for (fn [x y] (reduce + (map * x y))) a (transpose b)))))

(def ma [[1 2 3 4]
         [4 3 2 1]])

(def mb [[1]

(defn -main [& args]
  (println (mmul ma mb)))

Streaming SQL for Apache Kafka & WinCC OA with Docker…

KSQL makes it easy to read, write, and process streaming data in real-time, at scale, using SQL-like semantics. It offers an easy way to express stream processing transformations as an alternative to writing an application in a programming language such as Java or Python.

With WinCC OA Java ( we can stream data from WinCC OA to Apache Kafka, use KSQL to produce some insights and send it back to WinCC OA by using a WinCC OA Driver written in Java connected to Kafka.

Attached you will find a docker-compose.yml to setup KSQL + WinCC OA Connector and Driver to test it. Just use “docker-compose up -d” to start up everything. Before you should set the “data” and “event” environment variables in the docker-compose.yml to point to a running WinCC OA project.

root@docker1:~/docker/builds/winccoa# docker-compose up -d

Creating winccoa_frontend_1 ==> collect data from OA and publish it by ZeroMQ

Creating winccoa_backend-kafka_1 ==> get the data from the Frontend and write it to Kafka

Creating winccoa_driver-kafka_1 ==> OA driver to read data from kafka.

Creating winccoa_zookeeper_1
Creating winccoa_kafka_1
Creating winccoa_schema-registry_1
Creating winccoa_ksql-cli_1

We use Docker to startup WinCCOA Mangers (frontend, backend) and Drivers.

Afterwards you can start KSQL: docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql-cli local –bootstrap-server kafka:29092

Create a stream of the topic which is sent from WinCC OA to kafka (currently every change of value in WinCC OA is sent to Kafka):

CREATE STREAM Scada_FloatVar (TimeMS BIGINT, Status BIGINT, Value DOUBLE) WITH (kafka_topic=’Scada_FloatVar’, value_format=’JSON’);

Create a result table in KSQL which will be read by the WinCC OA Driver, here we detect if a datapoint changes more often than 5 times in 10 seconds. Just a simple example to show how KSQL can be used:

CREATE TABLE result WITH (PARTITIONS=1) AS SELECT rowkey AS “Name”, count(*) AS “Value” FROM Scada_FloatVar WINDOW TUMBLING (size 10 second) GROUP BY rowkey HAVING count(*) > 5;

In WinCC OA you should put a peripheral address on a datapoint with the example driver (num 4) to get the result back (you will need the panels and scripts from here to use the driver).
